Cetaphil Gentle Clear Blemish Control 3-Step Routine Kit

  • Sans Huile
EUR 40.95

40,95 €

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Recommandé par les dermatologues Recommandé par les dermatologues

Ce produit est recommandé par les dermatologues.
Recommandé par les dermatologues Recommandé par les dermatologues
Ce produit est recommandé par les dermatologues.


Image 1, deep cleans without drying. cleanse 2% salicylic acid + soothing aloe vera. Image 2, improve breakouts in 3 days. target salicylic acid plus soothing niacinamide. Image 3, soothing 48 hour hydration. moisturise salicylic acid plus soothing bisabolol. Image 4, visibly improves blemishes in 7 days. cleanse - deep cleans without drying. target - improves breakouts in 3 days. moisturise - soothing 48 hour hydration. Image 5, calrifying blemish cream cleanser - salicylic acid, white tea extract and aloe vera. triple action blemish serum - salucylic acid, niacinamide and zinc. mattifying blemish moisturiser - salicylic acid, bisabolol and botanicals. Image 6, number 1 dermatologist recommended uk skincare brand. effective yet gentle. clinically tested for sensitive skin.

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